Andy Land Makes News that's NSFW!
Or should I say, I made NSFW News? Either way, there's been quite an increase in traffic here thanks to this excellent links site. As it happens, Find the Penguini is a big hit with the kids today and I'm grateful for the mention.
If you've never checked out NSFW News, please do so. You'll find plenty of naughty stuff and funny news stories to amuse and titillate you. Be warned, the title should say it all. The content is "Not Safe for Work."
Thanks for the link NSFW!Also worth mentioning is the new link partner, Northwoods Woman. Livey has an excellent blog and since she's relatively close to my family there (You know, the folks with the kick-ass antiques & crafts store) I am very pleased to bring her into my blog family. She updates her blog a LOT so you'll never run out of things to read there.
Thanks for the link, Livey!
OMG you had to put my face on there? It always freaks me out when I go to someones site and I'm staring back at me!
Thanks for the linky love, like I said if you are ever in the area, shoot me an email, you are always welcome here.
7:17 PM
Interesting blog!
Livey gal, you DO get around, don't you?
9:52 PM
Hey, Lively. I had to put SOMETHING there, right? LOL! Anyway, thanks for the link and I'm sorry if I startled you with your own face. ;)
Nancy, welcome to Andy Land! You left this comment as I was adding tomorrow's updates. I hope you'll visit often. I'll check out your garden blog and wish I had enough land for fresh tomatoes.
If you ever want to do a link exchange, let me know.
10:03 PM
It's ok Andy, just warn me next time! LOL
10:21 PM
Where's the fun in that?
10:50 PM
This may explain why I can no longer read you at work.
7:53 AM
Gordon was telling me that my blog has been blocked at the St. Louis Public Library computers too.
I'm thinking that either someone has "flagged" my blog for controversial content, or maybe the frequent use of words like "porn", "fuck", etc. have given the appearance that I'm not acceptable for some filtering browser programs.
Sad really. I actually edit out all the nipples and hoo-has and such and the content is funny as hell. Oh well.
8:49 AM
Is Livey blushing?
10:02 AM
Welcome, Mike! Same rules apply. Enjoy the place and let me know if you'd like to do a link exchange. I'll be checking out your blog later today.
11:37 AM
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