Sue, Sue, Sue...
I'm not much of a card-sender, which would probably explain why I have so few friends and barely any holiday cards to clean up. However, for the last few years I have been trying very hard to send out Christmas cards. I always send out many cards to clients, but I've been diligent about sending them to friends and family, especially if they sent me a card.
Ever since installing this policy of relentlessly sending out holiday wishes, I've gotten progressively fewer and fewer cards, with this being the most meager of all years. Either they've hated my cards or realized I'm not worth the postage.
Sensing a poor turnout for 2005 I decided early more fucking cards to friends and family! Clients and potential clients are much more worth my time and hard-earned pennies for stamps and I KNOW not to expect anything in return (but I hope they'll call for a gig).That being said I did receive a couple nice cards from some blog buddies. Oddly enough, the cards and presents I received were from people I've never even met, further proving my theory that knowing me is certainly not loving me. Translation: Once you get to know me you realize I'm not worth the time you've invested getting to know me...and you'll NEVER get that time back!
Regardless, I share with you a lovely little card from Sue of The Torn Pages. Many thanks, Sue! I hope you and yours have a fantastic New Year, even if it is in Iowa.
Speaking of Sue, she has tagged me to play one of those memes. She hasn't been around here long enough to know that I rarely play those things and when I do, I end up tagging people who NEVER read my blog and will likely never play the game (thereby ending the meme).
I would play along. I do love silly internet fun. However the goal of these things is to generate readership at your blog and if you play the things well, you would not tag someone on your blogroll because you assume that person already reads your blog. Tag someone who has a blog that even you haven't read and you have a shot of bringing in some new readers. At least that's how I see it. Regardless it never works. I never get any more readers here and those that are here don't always play the silly games I've provided for them to enjoy (Snowflakes? Free Stuff? Damn, I even offer prizes!) In fact, to alter a favorite line from "Blazing Saddles", they stay away in droves.
Sue's meme is cute because it asks the tagged blogger to reveal 5 weird things about himself. This is funny because A) Sue didn't reveal a single thing in her post and B) Anyone who has read this blog or any of my columns already knows SEVERAL weird things about me. Asking for more is just greedy. ;) Of course, since we've established that I have no nevermind.
So please head over to Sue's blog and read the other blogs she tagged to play here meme. I'll likely check them out and see who else plays along. Her blog is fun to read even if you don't want to play any games
I think you're exempt if the person doesn't actually do it. The "tagging" is only one of the instructions, and it's generally the least important one.
4:45 PM
Allright-already. Now I feel that I must have missed this "I don't do silly memes" somewhere along the line while reading your blog. Hmmm... I'll remember it, tho'.
Oh, and if you can believe it, my daughter re-tagged me. Huh. Suppose I'll try to do it this time. I mean, if B'tude can do it, I s'pose I can too. (sigh)
~a faithful reader since 2005. ;)
11:46 PM
Well, the blog has been around since 2004 and I likely mentioned the meme thing then. LOL!
I've done a few of them, but I tend to shy away from the for all of the listed reasons.
Besides, if you've read me that faithfully you really do know more than enough weird things about me. Showering with a horse, former clown, Louie Louie collection...the list goes on and on.
11:57 PM
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