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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Holiday Greetings - Andy Style!

Hope you all have a great Christmas day.

I'm told today is the first day of Hannukah as well.

In fairness I should say...too bad, suckers! Go and celebrate with your undecorated bush and your magic candle.

What's that? A present? The first of eight? WOW! Can't wait to open - socks. Great. Tomorrow you get a letter opener or a giftwrapped box of bandaids.Fan-freakin-tastic. Christmas so totally rocks!

But you get, like a zillion days off from school and work per year, and everyone thinks you're smarter than everyone else (except the Japanese...they just look intensely smart...and they can all rip out our hearts and show them to us before we die) so you've got that going for ya. ;)

Merry Christmas & Happy Hannukah to all who celebrate either.

For you Kwanzaa folks...that's a made up holiday designed to make white Christains and Jews feel guilty. Not gonna happen. We dominate this time of year and are too stuck on ourselves to notice a damn thing. You really should have picked a better time of year for that. We'd maybe notice and get all filled with white man's burden in May. Not much happening in May. Make it early May. Right after Easter but way before my birthday. That works fine for me.

Besides, you're all opening Christmas presents now anyway. Admit it!

Anyway, sarcasm, satire, and snide remarks aside, I hope you all have a fantastic Holiday season and a fun and safe New Year.


Blogger golfwidow said...

Merry Stuff.

1:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to you and April. Hope you're having a great time! Take care. Oh, and Kamalani sends love to you and the Penguini's.

12:13 AM

Blogger Andy Land said...

Thanks for all the well-wishes, everyone. I hope you all have a great New Year. Of course, I REALLY hope I have one, because for the most part, this one sucked major ass. Brotha gonna have to get a job if thangs don't change!

Christine, no worries on the Louie Louie. Makes me laugh just thinking about it. Glad you liked the post. Aside from the photos, I am most proud of my line about Kwanzaa people being too busy opening Christmas presents. ;)

12:12 PM


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