Doctor Who Fans Cheer - I mean, SNEER! Dalek Porn!
I have been a fan of Doctor Who for many years. I'll admit that these days I am considerably less into the whole thing than I was several years back, but I do still enjoy the show and would love to see the new episodes (Hey, Marty...that tape???).
In any event I came across a rather amusing story while searching through other blogs the other day. Ladies, and gentlemen...OK, since we're talking a British Sci-fi show here I'll just say...Gentlemen...OK, let me amend that again...GEEKS, and those all too eager to see a naked chick, I give you the first (unofficial) Dalek PORN FILM..."Abducted By the DALEKS"!
Of course, the BBC is furious about this spoof/spooge flick being made and rightly so. I, however can't find anything but amusement in this one.
I suppose it would be better if the Dalek characters in this film were more of a parody than an accurate depiction of the trademark villains. Maybe it wouldn't offend the BBC so much if the evil Daleks were not spanking and fondling nekked ladies with their plunger appendages. No matter what I am certain I'll never get a copy of this of my own, though it won't be for lack of interest!The BBC has made many a statement about how the Daleks "don't do porn". However I must remind the Brits about another time the pepperpot-shaped bad guys made an appearance in the adult world.
Back in the 70's, Katy Manning was one of the ladies to play a companion to the Doctor. She was something of a sex symbol in her day around the U.K, though I can't say I quite saw the attraction.
My older brother once made a very astute observation about the many female Doctor Who companions; the Doctor seems to travel almost exclusively with "almost attractive women". That rule certainly applied to Jo Grant, played by Manning.
Ah, what the hell, she's naked, right?
Manning rather famously made an appearance in a men's magazine around this time. Several of those photos featured her, clad only in shiny boots, snuggling up with...a Dalek. The photos didn't go over all that well back then. She thought it was quite funny, but apparently nobody else did. In any event, only one valid conclusion can be made from all of this...
Face it, BBC, you created these monsters, and by depriving them of either world domination or hot lady-lovin' for 40+ years, you have indeed "created a monster" with the Daleks. The Daleks LOVE the pooty and they're willing to go to any lengths to get it. These creatures are big-time Vagitarians and you need to feed these things before they really get out of hand. Today, an appearance in a porn film, tomorrow they'll be robbing liquor stores, buying crack, and trading the drugs for favors from skanky east end whores. Sonic screwdriver, anyone?
Perhaps the Daleks should meet the Penguinis. I KNOW they'd get along.
Personally, I think there should be more Dalek porn....
...actually, to be honest, Terry Nation's estate has been notorious in being persnickety about how the pepperpots are used. The Beeb may be a little crotchety about it, but only because they have someone who is even more crotchety.
11:29 AM
I always thought the British weren't as "stuffy" as they tried to put on... I mean, these are the people who gave us Benny Hill!
4:25 AM
I'm quickly becoming a fan. Have to rent some of this stuff. Or send Cathy to do it. That's always good for a hoot.
11:52 AM
Are you becoming a fan of Dr. Who or porn?
12:52 PM
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