Penguini On the Telly
There are many reasons why you should never leave your Flying Penguini unattended, especially in LAS VEGAS. OK, they weren't exactly unattended as I was there to take the photos, but they can be very tough to control when they get their party on.
One thing I was actually very amused to see was watching the little guys take to the remote control so readily. It looked just adorable, watching them rally around the television to find something to watch. I guess they were taking a break from some of their more ghastly Las Vegas activities.Most hotels in Las Vegas have a limited selection of channels. I can only assume this is to prevent people from spending too much time in their rooms and getting them out to the casino.
This being the case you can imagine how frustrating it is when a few party penguins want to relax with the little TV time.
Then, with one click of the remote, happiness washed over the trio.Available on the Pay-Per-View menu was the greatest story ever told, "March of the Penguins". You can imagine how happy the guys were when they found this. Hell, I was happy to see that listed in the choices. You never know when I may want to watch that film one more time.
Anyway, we were all very pleased to see this as a selection available for viewing. One of the Penguini brothers managed to do a rather good impersonation of the movie poster and it borought about a big laugh from all of us.
I fully expected to settle down and watch the film and left for just a moment to grab a nice drink. When I returned there was quite a ruckus from the Penguini boys. I assumed it was them cheering loudly over the opening credits. I was wrong.As it happened, there was more than just your standard Hollywood releases on the Pay-Per-View menu.
When I returned to the room I nearly dropped my drink when I saw that the rascals were about to rent "Huge Dongs, Tight Thongs" at a cost of $13.99 a viewing. Just look at the little bastards high-fiving each other with delight.
I tried to stop these guys from ordering every damn thing on the porn menu and sending my room bill through the roof, but they were particularly adamant about reviewing the entire menu.They can be rather aggressive when they want to be, so I let them have their fun. Besides, they insisted they were merely watching the menu and not actually selecting any pricey porn flicks.
Before too long titles were popping up left and right. "Sextopia", "Deep Throat Divas", the list went on and on. What the hell, right? What happens in Vegas...It got to the point where I had no choice but to head out into the town on my own and let them have their fun. I think they wanted to be alone anyways.
When I checked out of the room I noticed about $140.00 worth of "In Room Entertainment - Misc." on my bill.
OMG! The SAME thing happened to me, er.. I mean Jeff!
4:58 AM
No point in leaving them alone anyway. They can go downstairs anytime they want.
6:47 AM
Penguins can fly?
10:43 PM
Penguins can do just about anything when there's enough alcohol and porn.
Hey, Snay. Thanks for stopping by. I'll be sure to check out your site. LMK if you'd be up for a link exchange.
11:00 PM
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