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Saturday, October 29, 2005

No "Remote Control", but Rat Tails Were Lampooned

Still no mention of the very funny MTV game show, "Remote Control" on the overdone "I Love the 80's" series. I doubt there'll be a volume four of this thing so April will have to settle for knowing she's way cooler than Hal Sparks.

However they did get around to talking trash about the "rat tail" hair style, something that for my own reasons, I sport in a much cooler form to this day.

I've had this hair for almost 20 years now and though it all started as a way to get attention, look different, and meet girls, it has become something of a trademark now. It is one of the ways people identify me and my act. It is in all my promo photos and I've actually been recognized after TV performances because of it.

Plus, my wife LOVES it.

So, yes I am aware that the sheer length and size of the tail I sport is a little odd. Sure I am the king of the 80's because of it. No, it is not a mullet, nor is it a scraggly little rat tail as seen in this show. It really should have it's own classification. Yes, it is the source of all my power.

When I get rid of it one day it will be a big deal. The tail I've had has been around for damn near all of the significant events in my life. It has outlast every girlfriend, been there during family births and deaths, and been the ONLY constant in my life outside of my mood swings and depression.

Mock me if you must. I don't give a "rat's ass!"


Blogger Bud said...

the tail is cool and appaently works as a counter weight when you balance stuff on your nose, huh?

12:58 PM

Blogger Andy Land said...

Yeah. Something like that. ;)

1:14 PM

Blogger golfwidow said...

I had a side rattail (like Aimee Mann) in the '80s, but I cut it off in 1993. It's still in my jewelry box.

3:34 AM

Blogger sue said...

Not exactly rat tail... more like possum tail... ;)

10:35 AM


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