You've Got to Tell Me You Linked to Me
I love the link exchange thing. Time was I got a lot of readers thanks to the active linking. That's how many a blog gathers new readers or so I'm told.
In any event, I found a new blog, Brain Droppings, has linked to me and I was completely unaware of it all. I'd use that Who Links to Me site to see who's linking here but I tried that thing once & I never got the thing to work. So, if you've done some sort of drive-by linking please e-mail me and let me know so I can add a reciprocal link, check out your blog, tout your virtues, etc.. Welcome to the fold, Brain Droppings. You show excellent taste in blogs. ;)Speaking of linking, there is one blog I found via the gang at Fu-Qtoo called Click My Boobs.
Click My Boobs is the brain child of amateur internet nude model & exhibitionist Amy Lockheart. The concept is simple and genius in it's ability to generate traffic. You link to her site and in return she checks out your site, blogs about it and adds a photo link of your site name scrawled across her naked chest. GENIUS! I wish I'd thought of it!

I'd do the same for my readers but I doubt that Bud or Golfwidow or anyone else wants to have my flabtastic body advertising their sites.
ok.... Am I to assume I'm under the pants?
I clicked that chicks boobs. Her left nipple (that would be the one on the right side of the screen Andy) is a bit freaky, don't ya think? Is there a name for that condition? You know, like "Hook Nipple", "Spigot Nipple"... Seems it might put someones eye out to me.
6:10 AM
What can I say? Nipples are a strange lot. If you've watched nearly as many strippers, porn movies, and other sources for nekkidness as I have you just come to expect that a nipple can go rogue on you once in awhile. Rogue nipples can be scary. I knew one girl that had one long hair on one nipple. But you already know that story. ;)
Further examination of her website shows some worry-free nipple action in other posts. Either way, I don't know too many guys that would turn them away. Nipples (rogue or not) don't just fall into your lap everyday ya know.
Ahhh, nipples. There are reasons why Barbie doesn't have them.
Bud, yep, that's an old photo of my dad that was unearthed some time back.'re a bad man.
8:33 AM
My gawd, that looks like my dad from the back, or the way he looked before he got all old and sick and things.
Anyway. Know what you could do? Pimp out your [bathing suit bit beginning with "P", five letters]. For Bud or Kim, you could be fresh out of the ocean in winter, but for a long name (like, for instance), you'd need ... ahem ... fluffing.
7:03 AM
I'm taking applications for the fluffer position if you're interested GW.
Oh yeah,'re IN the pants.
8:17 AM
Wouldn't that be an interesting item on my résumé.
3:18 PM
ok Andy, we need to have a serious talk about placement.
11:00 PM
You mean I gotta tell you WHERE in the pants to go, Kim? ZEESH! With 10 kids I'd think you know that one already.
11:17 PM
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