The U.S. Finally Does Something Right
It bears mentioning that the original French version of "March of the Penguins" is markedly different from the version charming audiences and setting records throughout the U.S..
The U.S. distributors saw the film and said that the only way they'd consider releasing it here in the States was if it went through a major overhaul, making it more palatable and enjoyable for an American audience.
In most circumstances this means the death of a fine film. The director's vision becomes extremely compromised and the beauty and meaning are all lost. However, in this instance I do believe director Luc Jacquet will forgive the silly American film company.
As it happens the original version, while still featuring the same beautiful camera work and footage, presented the Emperor Penguins in quite another light. These penguins actually talked!
Yes, that's right. There was dialogue written for and dubbed in later for the penguins on screen. Entire conversations and plot points were created to make the film seem like a wacky misadventure. Oddly enough, you would expect this type of maneuver from the American film company as opposed to the refined & cultured French film makers.The folks at Warner Independent Pictures saw the film and, thankfully, decided to adapt the "story" by adding narration and presenting the film in a more traditional documentary form. The result is the beautiful and Oscar-worthy film I've blathered about for weeks now.
Interview with Luc Jacquet
Holy shit. No way I want to see the French version as you described. That's shocking, really, they went all Jerry Lewis with it, huh?
5:48 AM
I understand the French ersion also featured some sort of cutting edge pseudo-techno music soundtrack as well. BIG DIFFERENCE.
I'm very curious to see the original version some day for comparison. I guess the story is essentially the same, just told BY the penguins as if they were acting out the whole thing. Strange.
It also bears mentioning that all that stuff that happens to those penguins is happening right now. Nine months out of every year they spend doing all that! Zeesh!
9:18 AM
How the HELL did the French manage to make jokes out of little baby penguins freezing in front of their daddies? (sniffling just remembering it) I don't want to see that. Ever.
2:58 PM
Well I don't have 100% confirmation on the wacky misadventures angle. I just know that the penguins actuall spoke and the entire film & story was being told from the penguin's point of view. Perhaps they made it a dramatic love story.
Either way, the U.S. version is amazing. Saw it again yesterday!
3:23 PM
Besides, we all know that penguins would have British accents and NEVER French ones. ;)
3:25 PM
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