In Movie News...
"The Aristocrats" is indeed, one of the best films of the year. Of course, anyone who has been reading this blog knew that already. However what you did not know is the film is expanding into more and more theatres, thanks to excellent box office numbers. In the Chicago area alone it is now possible to see the film at 11 different theatres. I am confident it has expanded across the country and will soon be somewhere near you. Please support independent films and more importantly, support GOOD MOVIES, and go see "The Aristocrats".Here's some EXCELLENT NEWS! This Monday, August 29, at 8:30 PM (CST) about 100 screens nationwide will be airing the 25th Anniversary Edition of the greatest musical comedy ever created, "The Blues Brothers". This most excellent and historic screening celebrates the release of the anniversary edition on DVD the following day and will also feature a live Q & A session with Dan Akroyd and John Landis.
I haven't seen the film on the big screen since I first saw the movie 25 years ago and I already have my tickets. Naturally I'll be planning on purchasing the DVD right afterwards.
What makes this unusual is not only the hype for a DVD release, but the fact that the film screening and the Q & A is being broadcast to theatres via satellite and it is the largest amount of advance promotion for a DVD ever. Either way, it will be great to see a new and pristine print of the film with all the added goodness and such. Here are a few links where you can gather BB25 news. (Listing of theatres)
Of course, no movie news would be complete if I didn't mention that "March of the Penguins" is STILL in theatres and making audiences happy everywhere. The box office numbers continue to steadily bring in good money and the film rarely disappoints.When I went to see "The Aristocrats" the other day I found a great little promotional goodie for "March of the Penguins", The March of the Penguins Activity Book! This was designed to be at the theatres prior to the release and generate audience interest in the film, presumably among kids and families. It is filled with all sorts of penguin games, photos, and fascinating penguin facts. It is an excellent little bit of penguin fun and I happened to grab a handful of copies. So...
If you didn't get a copy of this great little collectible activity book and would like one of your very own e-mail me your mailing address and I'll be sure to send one along. I have a very limited supply of them so don't get angry if I run out by the time you contact me.
No. No you haven't and yes, yes I DO rock.
I'm also expecting to hear from Golfwidow. She left a comment on another post while I was finishing up this one. LOL!
9:18 PM
Andy, we saw The Aristocrats last night. I loved it. It was so facinating to hear comics talk about their craft that way. So you're movie recommendations have been 100% for me. Thanks
3:59 AM
Glad you liked it, Bud. I think more of the creative folks out there will have a connection to the film and an apprteciation for it moreso than folks who do not spend a good deal of their lives in front of an audience.
That being said, the thing is so damn funny that even if you don't give one iota of concern for the performing arts, most anyone would enjoy it.
The people I feel most sorry for are the ones who can't see past the profanity and feel that it is somehow just a movie about swearing. I also feel bad for the folks that can't see the simple genius behind the idea of finding an entire documentary film's worth of content, engaging content, within the telling of a single joke.
Anyway, glad you enjoyed it. I'll try recommend some other good films, if Hollywood ever makes any. ;)
9:20 AM
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