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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

In Case You Were Wondering

March of the Penguins held steady at #10 in the box office totals last week.

This film is on the fewest screens (around 770) of ALL the other films in the top 10, even the top 20 and yet it continues to draw crowds and amaze the viewers.

If you don't go see this film you clearly have no soul and will likely rot in HELL for all eternity!


Blogger golfwidow said...

Saw it last Sunday. I couldn't believe it when the cops showed up at the end and arrested the whole cast.

Oh, no, that was Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Seriously. There was much girl cooing.

I hope it wins lots of Oscars. It's not like they're not already dressed for the red carpet.

10:41 PM

Blogger Bud said...

Yeah we saw it Sunday and loved it. Damn fine film about some amazing animals. A seventy mile walk for dinner? Shit! And all they get is raw fish. Not even Spam.

6:50 AM

Blogger Nicky Vegas said...

70 Milw walk? Big deal! We once had to sit through two full Tom Dreesen shows before we were allowed to attack the deli tray backstage. TWO TOM DREESEN SHOWS!

Let's see those damn birds put up with that!

8:09 AM

Blogger Andy Land said...

That's how you make a girl coo. Use your penguin! ;)

Don't forget, it is not just a 70+ mile walk for food. It is a 70 mile walk for food & sex, followd by many more 70+ mile walks and months of waiting in the snow with a damned egg on your feet. WTF?

Very "cool" movie. Worth seeing even if you've got no interest in penguins at all.

8:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm taking my grandchild to see the movie. She saw the commercial and yelled, "look Tutu, it's Uncle Andy's penguinis!"

11:06 PM

Blogger Andy Land said...

That's possibly the cutest thing I've ever heard. :)

Tell her I'm smiling from ear to ear right now.

11:12 PM


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