I have not written anything new in the way of columns nor essays in awhile. Honestly, I've just had other things on my mind. This has not been a traditional case of writer's block at all. I'm just not all that enthusiastic about writing anything and I can't really say if work I have submitted to places like Malicious Bitch are even being read at all.I used to submit at least one weekly column to The Cheers, but that place has just become so disjointed and unsupportive of the writers I don't see going back there. It was nice to be in a place with a regular deadline and new content expected every week and they did eventually post reader stats and things like that (which really got more people to read my work!). Unfortunately, they kept changing format, look, and focus. Couple that with numerous bouts of online down time and you never really got to develop an audience. However, they are useful to me in this instance.
Bud has been talking a bit about being blocked creatively. He's not really in a writer's block type of slump either, but it still applies here. Reading his blog I thought I'd link to my wife's all-time least-favorite Andy Martello column from The Cheers, "A Write of Passage". This column talks about my first minor tango with writer's block and I thought it to be kind of funny in a complete, random, non sequitur kind of way.
I'm linking as opposed to reprinting here so you can keep it in context with The Cheers and get the benefit of all the silly pictures. I apologize for the messed up punctuation. One of the many oddities with The Cheers is that nobody has the html code know-how to make sure apostrophes and things like that actually STAY IN PRINT! I'm also linking so the folks at The Cheers will be reminded of how cool I am. :)
Yeah, that's all there is to it, just write something. Judge it later. Your comment about Dickens and his 119 word sentence struck me.I used to read that to fifth graders an tell them I didn't care how famous the dude is. I only want one verb per sentence until they learn to do that right. Then we'll branch out to compound sentences. I told them I'd flunk Dickens. How impressed with himself was he, anyway? Shit, 119 words. He should have prayed for a blockage.
12:27 PM
You think that's bad, just TRY to get through some of Bill Zehme's stuff. I swear his bio about Andy Kaufmann was one single sentence.
I suppose I'd be writing more if I felt there was a sence of urgency or necessity to getting something out. I've been blogging and working on other projects so much that there's been no need to focus on anything else.
MBC doesn't really have any schedule for new issues so I never feel compelled to get anything in in a timely manner. I also don't feel like scrounging up new "work" elsewhere. I guess when the fingers feel like tapping, they'll tap.
12:39 PM
Well, Jade, if you wanna get "creative" you just head on over to the old trailer. Nicky's got a few ideas on how you can flex your creative muscles. I've even got a martini all picked out for you.
If that don't work, just tell yer man to take a good long look at this picture. If he ain't pulling on his peener after a glance then he's clearly gay.
1:36 PM
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