It must have to do with the blog posts and my already well-traveled website.
I've been receiving many requests for an Andy Martello collector's card this year. However today alone was quite impressive and fairly unprecedented. I received about a dozen requests from all parts of the globe.
Bulgaria, Texas, California, Canada, Connecticut, Iowa, Italy - it is quite amazing!
I can't imagine why, suddenly there are so many requests from Texas. That's where the lion's share of the e-mails came from today. Hmmm...
Someday I hope to be as famous as I feel right now.
Wouldn't it be fun if your mug started showing up on signs in Crawford?
5:49 AM
I understand you can sell my cards on eBay for $1.00! If I've signed the card they can go for as much as FIFTY CENTS! ;)
Actually a friend decided to sell some of my cards as a joke and he actually got a winning bid of $5.00, which was astounding to me. LOL!
I'm actually thinking of running for Texas Governor now. I KNOW it can't be that hard of a job. They took out all of the really tough job requirements after Anne Richards left. ;)
8:28 AM
Between last night's post and this morning I received another 8 or so card requests!
Canada, California, Illinois, Australia...If only I could make this translate into gigs and actual fame. LOL!
1:07 PM
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