Always Nice You Thought of Me
Even though the last time I wore a clown outfit or make-up was some time in 1993 I am always remembered by many folks as a clown. Frequently I am introduced to people as, "my friend the clown" (something I used to be), which may or may not be better than being introduced by my clients as, "the magician" (something I am not at all). I'll talk about the whole magician thing some other time.
Regardless, whenever there is a clown story or a cartoon in the paper, people often will bring my attention to it. In some cases it doesn't even have to have a clown in the frame. Just the name, "Andy" will do. I can't tell you how many copies of the above Far Side comic I've been sent over the years.
Lately I get sent penguin news and photos which is always big-time fun for me. I do still, upon occasion, receive the odd clown cartoon in the mail. Today was one of those days.My Aunt Louise found one cartoon in the paper and was compelled to send it to me. Since I was rather amused by this one I figured I would share it with you here. I am confident I'll be finding many cartoons to share from years of collecting and receiving such things. Until then, enjoy this latest installment. I may not be a clown anymore, but I can still make fun of them!
By the way, if you created any of these fine works, don't bother suing me for some sort of infringement. I've got nothing and I'm paying tribute to your genius. So leave me alone and I will keep telling people you're funny. Don't make me tell them to stop reading your work. My fans are many and they are strong! ;)
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