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Sunday, July 31, 2005

I'm 80% Loved

It seems that some 287 people have voted on the overall quality of my blog over at Bloghop. Sure, I must have voted myself about 286 times, but assuming I'm incorrect about the number of times I've said I was awesome, let's examine the numbers.

  • 166 people, saints all, LOVE IT!
  • 34 genuinely nice people say it is GOOD.
  • 32 average folks think the old blog is just OKAY.
  • 30 people, all likely degenerate child molesters, say it SUCKS.
  • 25 bed-wetting, puppy-killing, Nazi/Communist/Terrorists HATE IT!

Naturally, I'm very pleased that anyone has taken the time to chime in and leave a vote for my blog. I'll try to do better.

I should also mention that the eager-to-please, attention-starved entertainer in me has completely ignored the LOVE IT & GOOD voters and is OBSESSED with the OKAY, SUCKS and HATE IT votes!

Now I don't want to sway the voting at all, as it is important for honesty and integrity in the internet. Of course I have absolutely no integrity so if you want to vote LOVE IT for this blog, simply CLICK HERE a few hundred times. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

73% 123 votes when I took it down, lol. Must be all those Penguinis floating around the world for the 80! ;)

10:59 PM

Blogger Bud said...

I went to vote and it didn't ask me for a vote. Broken link or something.

Saw the March of the Penguines last night, finally. I'm just stunned at how good that movie is.

2:56 AM

Blogger Andy Land said...

Just clicking the link registers a vote, Bud. If you'd rather, you can scroll down on the main page of my blog and find the little buttons, but they all go to the same place.

Christine, Penguinis have power!

Yes indeed, the March of the Penguins is one excellent film. Not what anyone would have expected from a nature documentary. I think it stayed in the top ten for the week. Have to check. Glad you liked it, Bud.

8:38 AM

Blogger Nicky Vegas said...

Oh I hear that you're VERY popular, Jade. Oh yeah, VERY popular. ;)

10:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I clicked on you and loved you several times. Is that considered cheating?

12:04 PM

Blogger Andy Land said...

It only counts as cheating if you feel really guilty afterwards. ;)

12:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya Andy. Sorry I haven't been around lately. I've been very busy. Just wanted to say Aloha and take care.

2:47 PM

Blogger Andy Land said...

Aloha, Ma! No worried if you're absent for a spell. I don't get out to all the blogs as much as I should either.

You know I loves ya anyway!

3:53 PM


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