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Saturday, May 07, 2005

Please Go Away!

What's that smell? If I were being paid to do an ad for SBC Yahoo DSL service I wouldn't complain at all.
However, I'm not making any coin on this. In fact I'm only being annoyed by this ad.

I've no intention of switching to DSL any time soon, thanks to the absolutely shitty service I got the LAST time SBC Yahoo convinced me it was a good time to get DSL. Of course, if that were not my motivation for refusing them then certainly this ad would be.

I'm sure the girl in this ad is a nice person. Were we to meet I may even find her to be something of a babe. Can't tell for sure. All I know is that this photo makes me want to run my fist through the screen every time I see it.

I just can't stand people that look as though their smelling something bad, even when they're not. This is one of those people. Maybe the photo of her isn't that flattering. Maybe I'm just not digging on the near Osmond-like teeth she's got going. Maybe I can't figure out how she can be so happy with SBC Yahoo DSL service unless she never had the month-long nightmare I had. All I know is that this ad pops up so regularly on my mail screen I am confident that I'll NEVER consider switching from dial-up to DSL.

I mean, kudos to whomever this lady is for getting some good work and paying some bills for the photo shoot. I wouldn't want to deny an actress or model her payday. I would just like to see a photo that makes me WANT the girl AND the DSL service. This photo makes me want to run for Prom King or do just about ANYTHING other than call SBC Yahoo and take advantage of their fine offer.


Blogger Bud said...

There ought to be a way we can bring them down, Andy. How about sending it in a cyber chain letter to every short fused person we know? They may storm their server and crash them.

7:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy, don't you think she might have had something bad for dinner. She kind of has THAT kind of pained look... you know... THAT look! The one that says TAKE THE DAMN PICTURE SO I CAN GET TO A TOILET SOON! (sorry, didn't mean to be so crass.)

10:57 PM

Blogger Andy Land said...

Oh, I'm willing to accept all theories about this woman. Hadn't considered the need to get to a restroom, or as I sometimes call it, the bum-rush. Perhaps she did a photo shoot for Taco Bell a few hours earlier.

As for being crass...I've worked for circuses AND carnivals. There is almost nothing that you can say that would offend me. Besides, I've already said much worse many times over in past posts. Say what you want here, young lady.

Forgot to e-mail you...I got your link up and running here as well as including you in a post last week. Thanks for adding me to your links!

6:57 AM

Blogger warcrygirl said...

This reminds me of those ads with the young, trendy looking people in a setting that has NOTHING to do with the product that's being hawked. I mean, when those models sat for that photo shoot in the forest did they know that their photos would be used to sell douche?

Makes you wonder.

1:31 PM


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