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Copyright Andy Martello, All Rights Reserved

Monday, May 16, 2005

I'm Trying, I REALLY Am!

I've got a fine photo of me in my penguin jammies for your viewing pleasure, but Hello has mysteriously decided to stop allowing me to post pictures again. Very frustrating.

I certainly hope they get their heads out of their asses soon because I've also got a few fun Random Celebrity Photos to share this week.

In other news, Eric has added my Louie Louie pages to his list of links at the Louie Louie Blog. That's always nice. His blog is coming along nicely with a new header and a few other features. He even linked to Golfwidow's recent Louie translation in a recent post.

Something odd to report is that the folks at Fu-Qtoo have actually gotten complaints for sending traffic to other sites. Some places have been benefiting from the free traffic from their links, but felt it necessary to bitch about Fu-Qtoo not being one of their official affiliates. Basically, these sites are angry because they're getting traffic and NOT having to pay a commission for the referral. People never cease to amaze me. If you are one of the many people with at least half a brain in your head that likes free links and traffic to your blog, feel free to go to the Fu-Qtoo blog and get on their link list. The blog is NSFW, don't let that scare you away, their T-Shirt site certainly is!


Blogger Bud said...

Andy, I'm recording a couple of quick and dirty versions of Louie Louie to send off before I leave for Hawaii this Thursday. Just a quick update.

9:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are these commercial sites? Perhaps it's not so much the traffic but where the traffic is coming from, especially if the referrer can be or is NSFW? I had a couple of emails like that years ago when I had my other blog. I was asked if I could please not link to them as they did not want their site/business to appear to be associated with mine.

As for hello, I still don't know if I'm ready to see you in penguin pjs' - perhaps Hello isn't either? LOL

Loved your 'dead zoo' animal story today, what a cool idea!

8:13 PM


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