How Cool Is THIS!!!

His original e-mail:
"I had read your story of the John Wayne Gacy Stateville execution and I have to say that I enjoyed it. You were very sincere in your description and I enjoyed your story. I had seen your commemorative card and would definitely like a signed one. Do you have any glossy pics? I always enjoyed clowns as a kid and thought the whole Gacy story destroyed that image until I read your story and how you dispelled the stigma. Thanks for posting this online."
Naturally I was excited to learn that I'd connected with a reader, especially with that article as it is one of my favorites. I found a copy of one of my clown promo pics as well as one of my current, make-up free promo photos and sent them along with my collector's card. I'd never expected to hear back from him.
The other day I received a package in the mail from Brian. I recall he sent me an e-mail letting me know the photos had arrived and that he'd planned on sending me a memento from his job. Of course, that was months ago. Well imagine my surprise when I got the package and saw THESE PHOTOS!
Brian is a superhero for God's sake! He's involved with NASA, into astronaut training, he gives lectures at schools and colleges, and just got back from parabolic weightless flight training on G-Force One! How unbelievably cool is that!
He told me my photos are framed and on his walls next to those of renowned astronauts and other celebs. I am humbled!
Many thanks, Brian! Have safe travels and be sure to bring up some Andy Martello memorabilia onto the Space Shuttle with you one day. At least give me a call if you're going up in space!
I've got a few other photos which I may share later. Very cool of Brian to give me permission to share them with my blog readers. He lives locally so I am hoping we can meet one day. The guy is a walking, talking action figure! I got to meet this guy. LOL! Thanks again, Brian!
Yo, Andy, Very Cool. Put me on to him and I'll send him a CD to take with him. And a hat. Okay, I'll throw in a thong.
3:52 PM
No, he's not "famous". He's just doing a very cool job and I hadn't expected that at all.
I was always fascinated with astromony and space exploration as a kid and still have the utmost admiration for folks doing this sort of thing today.
I'm also laughing at the prospect of my photos being framed and given places of prominence among people who have orbited the Earth, walked on the moon, changed the U.S. as we know it, etc.
8:27 PM
That's awesome, Andy! I missed that JWG entry but I'd like to read it. I agree that the whole clown thing was tainted by him, although I don't really associate clowns with him. Sounds like you did a great job, though!
8:35 AM
Awww, Jade, few things could ever make your fan pics look boring. You put a lotta love into your penguini pics. :)
Warcrygirl, "My Dinner with Gacy" is all over the net, if not possibly reprinted somewhere at my blog. Here's the link to the story as it appeared in Gapers Block
9:35 AM
I'm still trying to get the thought of a Bud Buckley thong out of my head!
9:36 AM
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