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Copyright Andy Martello, All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

No Change! (99% Official)

"Dear Mr. Martello,

I have completed the examination of your tax return for the year(s) shown above. I am pleased to inform you I'm proposing no change to your tax return. As indicated in the enclosed form 4549, Examination No Change Report, my findings are subject to the Area Director's approval. You will receive a final no change letter when we finish processing your file.

Thank you for your cooperation."

That is the letter I received in the mail today. Now it is 99% over and done with and I couldn't be happier. Well, I will be happier when it is 100% final and there is no change to my return. For now, this is great news and I'm almost ready to exhale.


Blogger Andy Land said...

You and me both, Jade! And yeah, taxes do kinda suck.

7:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you could be home free Andy :)


2:31 AM

Blogger Andy Land said...

I can't wear that shirt yet! There's still a chance that everything will come crashing down around me. I know a guy that got three of those letters before being told by the supervisor that the audit needed to proceed anyway.

I am hopeful nonetheless. Cautiously optomistic, as my younger brother would say.

8:59 AM


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