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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Ahhh, Prom Memories!

Maybe I've been thinking about prom because I was so recently SPAMMED by a prom dress website.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I just finished a booking at a prom.

Maybe it is just that time of year again.

Whatever the reason I thought it was about time for me to alienate the fine & upstanding readers of Malicious Bitch with my own personal tale of teenage romance gone wrong. In case you've missed it and your chance to tell me how much I'm going to Hell, I send you now to read, "Hair of the Dog, A Prom Nightmare", this week at MBC.

I'll have more about this story later this week I'm sure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL... that story is just wrong Andy :)


3:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It could've been worse. But I won't say how.

Hey, there! Just wanted to let you know I've been brushing up on my tech skills and FINALLY added a link to your blog from mine. And I've got a new podcast, too. It's about the Pop-a-shot game. Seriously.

8:43 AM

Blogger broomhilda said...

gackkkk, cough!

1:34 PM

Blogger Andy Land said...

Sadly, Heidi, I think I've had worse too. I won't share however as the nipple hair story seems to be more than enough to satisfy the needs of a sick crowd. ;)

Good to see you've figured out the linking thing. Thanks fo rthe link indeed. I can't check out your podcast though as I've got no pod. But congrats anyway. Hope you're busy! Lord knows I'm not. :(

3:35 PM

Blogger Andy Land said...

Jade, you could put a little milk in your coffee. That should ease the pain a bit.


Doyle, you should have been there. Really...anyone other than me should have been there!

Christine...your new picture makes me all squishy inside!

3:38 PM


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