Watching "Oh God!" on TV Right Now...
...and I've come to a few conclusions.A) It seems odd that George Burns outlived John Denver
B) I will never be fortunate enough to have Larry Gelbart's respect and career.
C) Every man my age or older had/has a BIG CRUSH on Teri Garr!
Yeah, I always loved Teri Gar and I'm way younger than you. What's she up to lately?
3:31 AM
LoL... I caught Gene Wilder on NPR with Terri Gross the other day. He has a new book coming out.
Wilder talked about Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks, and- among other things- the origin of that famous "knockers" line.
I think Mel Brooks dug her, too. Eye-gor, on the other hand-- Wilder said Teri had major bitch slapping fights with Marty Feldman on set.
5:39 AM
WAY younger than me? Oh Bud...
I think she's been fighting M.S. I know she's got some sort of muscle disease, but still takes work and travels the country raising cash for research and all that. She was a good looking young gal, and is a good looking older gal. She's a honey!
Marjo, I think Marty Feldman was into that sort of thing. ;)
9:05 AM
You are so right about that. When I was younger I had it bad for Teri.
12:29 PM
WAY younger??? Oh Becky...
I couldn't remember what started my Teri Garr kick if I tried. I just know that I have no living memory of NOT finding her to be absolutely yummy in every way. She has always been a constant. In fact there have been quite a few movies and TV shows I'd have NEVER watched at all were she not in them.
Ask around. You'll find many a Teri Garr crush abounds.
12:17 AM
Okay, Okay, I meant to say You're a lot yongert than ME, Andy. And I think I first saw Teri on Laugh In or something like that. Can't remember. See, that's really dating me. I'm so fuckin' old I can remember Laugh In but not that clearly.
5:40 AM
BIG CRUSH on Terri Garr? Huh? Nope, sorry, while I do enjoy her onscreen persona, I don't have any kind of crush on TG
7:02 AM
reat! An anonymous exception that proves the rule.
8:05 AM
OOH! Becky wants to watch porn with me! Next stop...wakkachikka-wakkachikka-wakkachikka-.
You don't have to explain your sense of humor to a comedian, Becky. I get the joke. That's part of my job. I responded the way I did because it was a funny chance to call back to my response to Bud's comment. That's all.
Really, don't worry about offending or me taking things the wrong way. I get the joke. You are in fact younger than me by about 4 or 5 years...but that still makes you an old hag and me an old letch!
Ba-Dum-BUMP! :)
3:07 PM
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