Some Overdue Blog-Whoring
Penguinis are spreading across the globe as well as the internet!
You may remember Bitchitude's lovely set...of photos regarding her recent additions to the family known as the Flying Penguinis. However, penguins are migrating everywhere or so it would seem.

And check out the can(s) on Becky from April Fool!

I hear that Penguinis are making their way to Arizona, Connecticut, & who knows where else?
Due to the overwhelming presence of Penguinis everywhere I have decided to create a section in the menu for all members of the Penguini Posse (Thanks, Doyle for the name). Anyone wishing to become a member in good standing need only refer to the many FREE STUFF posts.
(Update! 5:07 PM CST)
THIS JUST IN! Jade is reporting Penguini/Bunny fraternization in Arizona! The Penguini Posse GROWS!
I do what I can Becky. ;)
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