OOH! Penguins with Guns!
I was told by Jade that this is not her fan pic. This is merely a response to a comment I made at her most excellent blog. The fan pic is sill in production. However, this still makes me laugh my fool head off when I look at it and think about her working to create this masterpiece!
Incidentally, the photo on which she superimposed the penguins is a lovely snapshot of the Arizona sunset. Jade took this one herself and you can see the "unfeathered" (HA!) version at the Jaded Sunburns blog.
I haven't been to Arizona in a good many years. Last time I was out there I was working for a show called the Mackinaw Music Show. I did LOVE the sunsets and the landscapes there. Nothing like drinking a cool beer during one of those sunsets. Many thanks, Jade!

Yep. I'm spreading penguiny goodness and oddity throughout all of Andy Land.
The world may in fact be chancing. This is no longer the Earth or even a Blogosphere. We are becoming Andy Landia!
9:10 AM
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