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Monday, February 28, 2005

Wanna Do Someone Else's Homework?

Please head on over to Bitchitude and fill out the survey questions about religion. Help this poor Hawaiian blogger make her self-imposed HELL known as the "Back to School Blues" (My term, not hers) seem more bearable by doing her work. She's not going to do it, so maybe YOU should!

Funny. She doesn't want to talk about politics, which I understand. Yet she wants to talk about religion, which is equally verbooten in my world. Well, the survey is pretty simple and doesn't delve too deeply into anyone's affiliation so GO CHECK IT OUT! I did it. Didn't hurt one bit!

In other blog news, I decided to return the favor and send a fan pic to the gal who was kind enough to send me my first fan pic, Cherry Pie. Head on over there and see what a bastard like me thinks is appropriate web behavior!

Jessica needs some cheering up. Now I should hesitate to make any attempts at brightening her spirits because in her own words, "I tend to distract myself with sexual thoughts or other entertaining things when I cannot cope with what is going on in my life". Judging by her posts & photos that accompany this sentiment, the big dumb male in me WANTS her to stay a little out of sorts. YOWZA!

However the entertainer in me wants her to be happy. I'm funny that way. So go to her blog and leave some nice comments. AT the very least try to find some nice photos of dolphins or giraffes to post. I thought I had a few saved here, but I will have to scan some for later. She also likes baseball (The Phillies). If you have any Philly Phun you can send her way, go right ahead. Blog crush or not, everyone who is kind enough to link to me deserves to be happy. All others should simply die. You hear that Andrew Sullivan!!! LOL!

If you ever wondered what a sperm-shaped pancake would look like, head on over to Bacon & Eh's. Very informative stuff there!


Blogger Andy Land said...

Hurt me all you want. I've been beaten so much I'm getting to the point of liking the sensation!

Jessica, can't say what I did to make you smile or educate you about blogging, but I'm glad it helped. I do have some giraffe pics to share...somewhere.

And you should really be commended for improving someone's morning. I read your posts yesterday morning and..uh...well I was most definitely AWAKE afterwards! So one can conclude that waking up with Jessica is a great thing.

Wait! That came out wrong.


7:33 AM

Blogger Andy Land said...

Well Howdy, Becky!

Take your shoes off and set a spell. Good to have you. I was reading your blog earlier today before I got called away to meet with my accountant. I'll give it a more thorough read later.

Thanks for stopping by!

1:02 PM


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