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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Two Things That SUCK About Using the Internet at a Library

First, the service varies dramatically in towns only a few miles apart. I'm actually at the Duluth Library right now. Duluth is a MUCH bigger town than Superior, WI and the library is bigger. Duluth still has high-speed but they've got these bizarre browser controls and other strange features from their ISP that make it almost impossible for me to check or send any e-mail. I can't open up multiple windows without doing a litle keyboard trickery and I can't right-click for any reason, even if it is to close the GOD DAMNED pop up windows that keep creeping up. I guess their fancy ISP and virus crap has no option to block the pop ups. OH yeah...I can't hit the return button and start a new paragraph at ALL! All the computers are like this so it isn't a faulty keyboard. I may just make this nice run-on paragraph go on forever. OR I'll play with the html in the post.

The other thing I hate? I can't look at the blog. Too many paople watching. There are some kick ass babes on there right now, I just KNOW IT!


Blogger Dick said...

I knew something was up. I haven't seen any comments from ya. (Cring) We miss you! Hope all gets better for ya. Sure would like to promote the rooster ya!


9:01 PM


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