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Saturday, February 26, 2005

Painting Jessica

She came in and left one casual comment. In the mere minutes since, I have read SEVERAL of her posts at her own blog and commented as well. Andy's got a new "blog crush" and another MUST READ for the friends of Andy Land.

Please check out Jessica Hart's "Painting Jessica". (She's from Philly, Marjo!)

This blog has something for everyone. Fantastic artwork, paintings & photos. Excellent content to read and enjoy. And of course, she's one pretty lady and you KNOW I can't resist that! Interestingly, the BLOGGER Spell Checker suggests I replace "Jessica" with "cheesecake". I like life's little coincidences.

Actually I'm always drawn to those cute, intelligent, quirky women. I still hold Sacha at She's Krafty close to my virtual internet heart. I really should get around to asking her for a link exchange. I digress.

If they have a creative flair, a love for martinis, a strange need for pink clothing or hair dye, I've always taken a closer look. I'm sure that I am just one more fool that this lovely and artistic defender of the soccer moms will have to suffer gladly. Regardless, I have been enjoying Jessica's blog and I think my regular readers will as well.

Thanks for reading/commenting, Jessica! Let me know if you want a more permanent link here.


Blogger Andy Land said...

Some would say I'm more stranger than kind, but I am just happy to be regarded or mentioned at all. So thanks.

I'll add you to the Required Reading list tonight.

I could teach you how to juggle in 15 minutes to an hour. It is really easy. Play your cards right and you'll be the recipient of some FREE STUFF!. You like penguins? Maybe you'd like some penguins that JUGGLE?

6:45 PM


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