Here's the NEW Andy-Mobile!
If it is alright with da Bitch at Bitchitude, I'll post a few pictures of my new car. Sure it is not as exciting as news from my Duluth trip, but since the Duluth trip reminds me of my damned IRS audit, which in-turn makes me feel like killing myself, I'll share photos of the car. The Duluth pics will have to wait. The new car makes me happy!
And how could this car NOT make me happy? Just look at this charming little devil! This thing has personality and personality goes a long way according to Samuel L. Jackson.

I know it is small, but believe me this thing has room for several big people inside and it has great pick-up, excellent gas mileage, and best of all - payments I can afford (I think, LOL!).
I don't even mind that the antennae makes it look like a radio-controlled car.
I LOVE this mighty beast!

Today...laundry, cleaning my old car, and getting ready for the audit. Where did I leave those sleeping pills?
Congratulations on the wheels, hope the IRS enjoys them!
Just kidding. I'm sure this audit won't be so bad as you are getting practice at the full body cavity search that appears to be an audit.
Well thanks to you, you. I wish you'd stop nagging me. I'm blogging.
Hello D Brooks. Hello Bitchitude. Hello Vegas Baby. And whoever else frequents Andyland and his associated blog.
I have joined you people in blog land at You are welcome to humiliate me there. (or here for that matter)
Ok. I think this is supposed to be a comment space and not where I publish my manifesto.
But that being said, how did the Vegas boys fair? Who, besides Andy Martello (of fame) are these friggin vegas guys?
And, sorry that I wasn't there on valentine's day. But I had more important things to do like bomb miserably, dresden-style at Crush doing my "joe is a scary stalker on valentine's day" routine. You can't make women like you, no matter how many scary stalker jokes you tell on Valentine's day.
Well, there you have it.
Enjoy the wheels!
9:00 PM
We've got to get a better security system around here.
Hey Joe! Welcome to the blogging world. Hope you find it as soothing and pointlessly amusing as I do.
I'll talk about the Vegas Bros. tomorrow sometime. But I will say that we have upcoming shows at Crabigale's in Joliet March 3 & 4 and one at Durty Nellie's in Palatine on March 9th.
More later. I have to go obsess about my hate mail!
12:17 AM
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