Check Out The Vegas Bros. This Valentine's Day at Comedy Comedy, in Lisle, IL!

That's right, The fabulous Vegas Bros. Comedy & Variety Show
will be making a stop at
Comedy Comedy in Lisle, IL Monday February 14th at 8:00 PM.
This show stars legendery performers,
Lance Vegas, Mikey Vegas, Andy Vegas, Bobby Jay Vegas,
and our beloved little brother, Eddie Vegas.
The show features music, stand-up comedy, juggling and other useless talents, improv comedy, and MORE!
I can think of no better way to enjoy VD than with 5 guys in tuxedos.
Don't miss the first (and maybe the LAST) performance of this great show!
See, that's what's wrong with the world today. Everyone wants to stay inside and have some other guy bring the pictures and the info to them. Zeesh! You only live in Hawaii for God's sake!
2:26 PM
I'd love to work in Canada again. Haven't been there in many years. If it were that easy, just saying, "I'm going to book some work in Canada today", I'd surely do it. But alas, it is not all that easy.
However, I have a website and you can certainly refer anyone you know that is looking for a corporate entertainer or festival performer, anyone who works at a club or a restaurant, someone who books or works at a theatre, somebody who works or a big company and needs a guy for their trade show booth, or someone working for or near a comedy club...feel free to pass along my name and info. :)
Sadly, my snail did in fact die. I knew it a few days ago, but gave it a good amount of time before I had confirmation. I was very sad. But NOW I have TWO NEW SNAILS! I may buy one more for my little frog tank too! :)
3:25 PM
Lisle, Is that in Illinois? Monday is good for me me but thera's a reason why God invented the freekin weekend. Get some.;
7:12 PM
Yeah well Valentine's Day is ON the Monday. You get some on the weekend and then come and see our show on Monday. What's the harm? ;)
10:01 PM
Good plan to get two new snails. Aren't they hermaphrodites? Not that there's anything wrong with that. You may wind up with more snails than can eat the algae in your tank. Or more snails than you can eat.
4:59 AM
Well I do need a smaller snail for mt tank holding the Dwarf African Clawed Frog.
Maybe these two will make some freaky lookin' snails. I got one Ramshorn and one Inca Gold snail. Hmmm...
8:12 AM
Wo, I wonder if a clawed frog might find a gold ramshorn hybrid snail as an all too tempting snack? You can't be to sure about these creatures in captivity. I once had an iguana who ate school lunch. Well, somebody had to.
10:49 AM
Well for now the goldfish will have to endure two new roommates since I decided the Gold Inca snail was too big for the little tank.
The folks at the pet store seem to think most snails can live happily in captivity with a clawed frog, but we'll watse a much smaller snail's life on that experiment some other day. ;)
The two snails in the fish tank are having a grand old time in their new home and the goldfish seems unphased by it all. He does seem to like the extra food in the tank though!
12:04 PM
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