WOO-HOO! Mrs. Fu-Qtoo!

What you are looking at are the first Fan Sign Pics for yours truly! Not only are they fan pics, but they are from one of the sweetest ladies on the internet, if not the known universe, Mrs. Fu-Qtoo!
She even posted one on her blog! What was most sweet was how she apologized in her post (and in e-mail form) for not making the pics extra naughty and how she hoped I'd still like them. Isn't that the cutest thing ever? That implies that she really WANTED to tart it up for me, but just couldn't risk breaking Mr. Fu-Qtoo's heart. Maybe I'm reading too much into this. LOL!
Finding these in my inbox and on her blog made my day!
We're supposed to be getting a helluva lot of snow tonight ( which always sucks!) and I just came back from an AWFUL gig filled with snotty brat kids and teachers who didn't give much of a damn about how rude & obnoxious the kids were acting.
Given that I've had very few gigs this month and I REALLY needed the money, having the audience be so loud and disrespectful didn't make my day any brighter. Mrs. Fu-Qtoo changed all that!
Many thanks! Your prizes will be in the mail soon! Keep 'em coming, folks!
Many thanks! Your prizes will be in the mail soon! Keep 'em coming, folks!
lol Andy as always
7:40 PM
Be on the lookout for a little thank you present from yours truly. SHould be in Mrs. Fu-Qtoo's hands by middle of next week.
Now when will the rest of my legion of fans submit the pics?
7:49 PM
Oh, Andy, I'm so sorry about your gig. I'm an IT teacher so I know how you feel. That happens to me almost every day. I try to throw in a joke or two to keep them awake, but they just look at me as if I’m from a different planet and keep on as before.
BTW, I found you through a link from the "Corporate Crap and Other Dubious Wisdom" blog.
Take care,
10:51 PM
Thanks for stopping by, Susie! Doyle over at Corporate Crap is one good guy, if not an excellent writer. So I am very glad you made your way over here.
My dad was a teacher as is my younger brother. That's about the closest profession to mine I can think of when it comes to unruly crowds of people and the way you feel when you're not being listened to.
All told, I've had good shows and I've had bad. There have been way more good ones, but the bad ones really sting.
Thanks agin for stopping by. Please keep on coming back! I'll check out your blog tomorrow. Maybe we can do a link exchange if you're interested.
11:06 PM
what does that make-- like your third or fourth celebrity endorsement? proly more, lucky bastard. We are ass deep in snow here... hope the storm skirted ya.
hey, just don't ask Larry king to endorse your site. lol...nobody likes that guy!
9:24 AM
I don't recall any "celebrity" endorsements, but some very kind words from actual people are always nice! They're the ones who presumably will buy my book one day anyway.
As for Larry King...got his endorsement already. ;)
10:10 AM
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