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Saturday, January 08, 2005

WHEW! My Mission is Complete.

I just put the finishing touches on my new submission for next week's issue of Eklektikos, a nice little piece explaining to the world why I DON'T like to read. Should be fun. I'll post links when all three of my new pieces are up next week.

Very cool. 3 articles. 3 magazine. 1 week. If I were making some coin for this I'd be one happy little juggler. LOL!

Maybe if I'm REALLY feeling particularly prolific I'll write something specifically for e-pauly. But let's not hold our breath!

BONUS! I just remembered that a benefit to being published at Malicious Bitch is also being featured in the publications archives of BFP Media. I believe BFP is the design company the created the MBC site or something like. But who really cares so long as more people get to read my work and my name just fills up all relative searches?

Here are the BFP links to my Bitch stories:

OH CRAP! The Circus Came to Town!
You Gonna Eat That?


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