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Monday, January 24, 2005

Looking for Something to Read? You're In LUCK!

As luck would have it I have a few things in a few magazines that are PERFECT for your office time-wasting. We'll start with the folks that have been publishing me the longest, The Cheers.

If you have been reading my work for a long time now, you know I have been trying to pander to (stalk) cartoonist Berkeley Breathed in order to gain some "celebrity" recognition as well as a personalized Opus the Penguin sketch for my collection. Other than the articles themselves I have not directly done anything to gain Berkeley's attention. I expect the power of the internet and the growing Andy fans to get his attention for me. It makes me seem even cooler y'know.

Anyway, the latest plea to Breathed, "Opus IV: A New Hope" is running at The Cheers. This article is particularly amusing because it was inspired completely by the lovely and talented Marjo Moore. I'm sure she's removing all links to Andy Land as we speak.

Next we have an article that is reportedly Marjo Moore's FAVORITE Andy Martello essay. "Good Show" is the column of choice for the fine folks at my favorite new publication, Malicious Bitch.

I really am enjoying my association with this e-zine. Maybe it is because all the staffers are from Hawaii and are therefore loopy from all the sunshine and HOT Polynesian women. Whatever the reason, everyone there has treated me very well and I always feel quite relaxed around them. PLUS, I think this magazine has the best chance of leading to bigger and better things for old Andy. They seem to have a little more know-how when it comes to the publishing world. Regardless, they like my work and are stupid enough to publish it so I can highly recommend them to anyone! Look for a rather odd Valentine's Day article there from me soon!

Speaking of the Bitch, PLEASE check out the great interview the Demented Housewife conducted with the Discovery Channel's Toolbelt Diva, Norma Vally. It is a very cool laid back piece and it not like any celebrity interview you've ever read. This all seems appropriate because Norma is not like any other celebrity.

Go. Read. Support!


Blogger Andy Land said...

I'm afraid I don't have an agent, Doyle. But I do have a website and some people I know in Hawaii. Perhaps those people might want to recommend my services to a few hotels, clubs, theatres, corporate groups and the like and maybe convince someone to booke me there. If anyone got me the gig I'm sure I'd have a nice commission check for the guy. ;)

3:21 PM

Blogger Andy Land said...

All I got out of that was something about a HOT submissive Polynesian chick. Sorry. ;)

Glad you enjoyed the pieces. Be sure to get caught up on all of my Berkeley Breathed rants at The Cheers and start sending e-mails to the man! If I do it myself it just seems too desperate. LOL!

And I SAW that link at Marjo's blog. I'll never trust her again.

10:50 PM


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