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Sunday, December 05, 2004

Worth It?

Even though there are some current maintenance issues with Statcounter right now I managed to find out that I'm averaging about 125 unique visitors a day. That's not too bad I suppose. I've had days where over 300 people stopped by and some where only a handful of folks made a trip to Andy Land.

Of course, nobody sticks around for much longer than 2-5 minutes, if that and very few people leave comments. I always like reading the few that come in and try to reciprocate often.

I try to leave comments at other blogs if they're subjects I feel I can add something appropriately funny or intelligent. I almost never leave any comments at political blogs because the subject matter always becomes too tense for me. So I'm sure Brian at the Frozen Tundra thinks I'm blowing off his blog altogether.

I cannot blame people for not sticking around or commenting on the posts. When I surf or hit the "next blog" button I am just as guilty of skimming the first few posts and deciding instantly if it is something worth my attention. I suppose everyone online views reading blogs that have not been made "destination viewing" the same way we all view a millisecond of programming when we channel surf in front of our sets.

What gets me is that this blog has the appearance of being somewhat traveled, albeit very modestly. Further viewing of my stats show only an average of 17 repeat viewers a day and therein lies the sadness.

Seventeen or so people come back here with regularity. If I take the time to really think about it I may be able to come up with ten people. Both my mom and my mother-in-law check in. The guys at make regular visits. The afore mentioned Brian makes his rounds. Kim at Bacon & Eh's is always good for a comment as well as a good read. I know that I check in to make sure the site is up and running and to monitor the look of new posts. But really, that's only about 7 people I am fairly confident are here often. So I have to wonder, is maintaining this blog really worth it?

Sure it adds a free and visible additional web presence to my life. Certainly that doesn't hurt when promoting my entertainment business or my website.

I also have at least one place that will ALWAYS publish my writing. I can almost always count on Blogger to be online. The Cheers always manages to take a virtual dump whenever we start to get rolling and I start to build an audience. I don't even know what is going on with Eklektikos anymore and I am still too chicken-shit to send my work out to places that will surely reject me. So being able to publish whatever the hell I want is good I suppose.

Other than these little things, is maintaining this blog worth anything at all? I can't decide if it is helpful to anyone, informative, fun - I can't figure out right now if there is any merit to keeping up appearances here.

Of course, I did just finish watching the Peter Sellers biopic on HBO. This could have something to do with all this doubt.

I was always an admirer of his work and his talent, but until now I'd never realized how many similarites there are between our two lives or personalities. No I wasn't ever married to Britt Ekland! I'm talking about the emotional foibles & insecurities, the creative pleasures and pains, the things that most shrinks would call stereotypical traits common to us "funny people". Before tonight the only "connection" I felt I had with another comedian or performer was Andy Kaufman.

I'm sure none of you has the slightest idea what I'm talking about and that's fine actually. There aren't that many of you to confuse right now anyway. Maybe I should get some sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to ask yourself why you keep a blog; is it for your own interest or is it to interest others. If you look at having your blog as a hobby and you enjoy writing for the sake of writing, don't let the amount of traffic or visitors discourage you. I've had my blog now for almost 3 years and I'd say it's only been the last year or so that I had regular visitors, it takes time to get it going. Don't get discouraged, as long as you are enjoying it keep at it. When it starts to feel like a job you can't stand, then maybe it's time to re-think things.

2:25 AM

Blogger Andy Land said...

Awww Kim, you're the best. You know how to cheer up a guy.

I guess there general need for acceptance and all that craploa was creeping into my psyche today. Standard stuff for us creative freaks ya know.

10:10 AM

Blogger Dick said...

We at fu-qtoo love Andy especially when he puts pen to paper. Oh and of course the fact that he puts our name every where he

6:29 PM


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