New Friends, New Partners, New Magazine - New Year!
I was toying with the idea of posting a big list of cool things that happened in 2004. I'd discuss some of the good and bad and rattle off some of my favorite things and events. But you'll be so bogged down with that stuff today and tomorrow just by watching the news I figured I'd save it for later.
So today I'd like to mention a few new link partners and the like. Not the least of which, Blog Universe & BlogHop. These are both blog referral services and search engines. I know I don't REALLY have to add their links and buttons to my site jut to get traffic, but I do. It helps me get a little more fluent with the HTML crap and it does make it look like I'm working hard to increase my web presence. I like BlogHop a lot though because it takes my blog into the realm of being critiqued by the many anonymous asshole in the internet(s). Yes, I've subjected myself to the critique of total strangers by using BlogHop and their "Rate Me on" program.
So today I'd like to mention a few new link partners and the like. Not the least of which, Blog Universe & BlogHop. These are both blog referral services and search engines. I know I don't REALLY have to add their links and buttons to my site jut to get traffic, but I do. It helps me get a little more fluent with the HTML crap and it does make it look like I'm working hard to increase my web presence. I like BlogHop a lot though because it takes my blog into the realm of being critiqued by the many anonymous asshole in the internet(s). Yes, I've subjected myself to the critique of total strangers by using BlogHop and their "Rate Me on" program.
Presumably, higher rated blogs will gather more attention from readers. As far as I'm concerned it is just more silly online time-wasting for the viewer and that's fine with me. I've already received a few ratings from folks and I can tell that they've rated this blog as "The Best!" I've also been able to determine that a few ratings have me as "The Worst!" A little snooping around at Statcounter actually helps me figure out WHO rated the blog at what time and how they rated me. Needless to say, the folks who think the blog sucks were here for about 5 seconds and likely clicked the worst rating because there were no naked titties or cumshots here. Believe me, I want more of those things here too. But at least read a few things before casting me aside! ZEESH!
Anyway, please click the ratings buttons on the BlogHop link and rate my blog. Click the hell out of them if you'd like. Click them as if there were no tomorrow. And when you do, please remember that the little green button with the smiley face means, "The Best!" I'll make it even easier for you to provide an OBJECTIVE review of my blog by showing you which icon means I'm the best! Just click this little guy!

See? No need for confusion now!
I've also recently added a few new folks to my list of blog friends. Please check out Ian's blogs, Cardinal Sin 2067 and GunStar141 for many interesting links, photos, naughty stuff, and MORE! You should also head over to Corporate Crap for some most excellent essays on all things ridiculous in the corporate world. Doyle is a very good writer and is the head honcho (or one of them) at Malicious Bitch. My good friend Marjo Moore write a nice piece about him in this week's issue of The Cheers.
And speaking of Malicious Bitch, it is official! I will be one of the many fine authors to have some work published in their fine magazine. I've no idea which story they'll be using first, but rest assured I'll let you know all about it when I find out. They have very good readership over there and I'm very excited to be able to share my writing with a larger audience.
Well, kids that's about all for now. I've got to buy some food and tasty goodies for tonight. My New Year's gig fell through a few weeks ago and I'm actually HOME on New Year's Eve this year. So April & I will be enjoying movies, food & drinks in what we call, The Floor Picnic. Tomorrow my sister-in-law, Samantha (A BABE!) will be here to waste away the first day of 2005. Should be fun!
Happy New Year to you all!
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