More Holiday FUN!!!
I'm sure this Photoshop creation is extremely old by internet(s) standards, but it makes me laugh my ass off every time I see it. It really makes a cynical old bastard like me stand up and take notice. Christmas is one funny time if you play your cards right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, peace on Earth, good will towards men, blah-blah-blah. But that's damn funny!

I'm hoping to get some time this year to compile a CD of my favorite oddball Christmas tunes. There have been some good CDs over the years that features less than classic holiday songs. Punk Rock Christmas comes to mind, but that may be because it features a Christmas version of "Louie Louie".
The Great & Powerful Dr. Demento has always had a plethora of holiday songs for me to enjoy, but I'm not looking just for demented tracks. There are just some songs that RARELY get played and I'm all for having my own little compilation at the ready. Here are some examples.
- Spinal Tap: "Christmas with the Devil"
- AC/DC: "Mistress for Christmas"
- Nerf Herder: "I've Got a Boner for Christmas"
- Whirling Dervishes: "Mr. Grinch"
One day I'll get my ultimate Christmas CD completed. I'm sure I'll let you know what's on the darned thing.
So what are your favorite not-so-traditional Christmas songs?
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