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Friday, December 31, 2004


Today, on the last day of 2004,"Sex Blogs - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly" was unseated as the most-read article at The Cheers. It is a sad day indeed.

I can't say that I'm all that upset. I wish the article wasn't topped by an article titled, "Hot News: Naked Burning Shemale Flew Out the Window" but that's mostly because A) I didn't write it B) That article has nothing to do with a naked burning shemale flying out of a window C) My piece would be at nearly 20,000 reads by now had The Cheers not taken another crap and stayed away for over 3 weeks recently. I was about to crest the 16,000 mark before the crash. Oh well. No biggie.

I am just a bit surprised that more haven't read "Booby's: The Christmas Miracle" this week. I've tried getting some of the other link services to pick it up but I guess it is not to be. Once again, oh well. It's not like I'm losing money if it isn't being read. I just wish they'd incorporate a list of all-time most read articles AND a list of most read this week. I'd like to get an idea just who is reading what.

I'm actually kinda glad Sex Blogs is on the way out. It was never my favorite piece and I'm still in a dither over how Missy Mae misinterpreted the article, got depressed, never even mentioned the piece in her blog, etc.

More blogging fun later. I have to do dishes and clean the bathroom now. Nothing but excitement here in Andy Land!


Blogger rachaelmh18 said...

Long live sex blogs!! When you get round to it, read my email ;)

happy '05

2:14 PM

Blogger Andy Land said...

Marjo, you're so damn schweet I think you're made of sugarplums and rainbows. It's like an elf exploded all over you, goddammit! LOL!

Thanks for the e-mail and the post. I'm not all that upset about it so long as the magazine stays up and running long enough for us all to gain an audience and be read.

Besides, you don't really like Sex Blogs. I know you're a Good Show fan. Unless you're a closeted Sex Blogs fan. OOH! Sounds kinky!

3:21 PM


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