3 Packages, 260 Post Cards, & 1 Envelope Filled with Hope
I just got back from the Post Office (UGH!) where I mailed a whole lot of stuff. Not the least of which were 260 promotional post cards to agencies, park districts, and chambers of commerce in the hopes it will generate some work in the coming year. Gotta love marketing!
I must say that ever since my local Hallmark store started taking on basic mailing services it has made much of my life easier. We have the 3rd largest Post Office east of the Rocky Mountains and naturally they ALWAYS have a line of people streaming out the building. It seems that all the postage increases don't justify hiring even ONE additional person at the counter.
They've been really pushing this new automated postage center in the lobby. It is actually very cool. Touch screen technology integrated with all the confusion and incompetence of a big government agency. I'd use this to save time since it does do just about ALL the things I need from my counter clerk. Weighing, pricing, stamps, delivery confirmations, and so on. But there's one little problem with this convenient time saver.
Really now, If I can go to any parking garage in the city and use cash to pay for my spot, I SHOULD be able to pay in cash for postage at the Post Office! I know I could just get a debit card but I don't like having them. I'm already OVERUSING my credit cards as it is and I don't want to pay fucking interest on a .37ยข stamp!
What's worse, this Post Office had two vending machines before. One that sucked ass and only has books of stamps in a few amounts and one killer machine that had EVERYTHING. This post office took out the good machine and replaced it with the credit card only machine alongside the craptacular machine!
I suppose I shouldn't expect much from the Post Office. This is, after all, the same group that took over 100 years to create the self-adhesive stamp.

Of course, I believe I have less than a hamster's chance in the Gere household, but it is something to shoot for. Feel free to send them "You've gotta read this guy's work" e-mails if ya want. I'll keep you posted. It could be months before I hear anything. This show did wonders for David Sedaris so maybe it could do something good for yours truly.
You were busy over the holidays! It would be wonderful to see your hard work pay off, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
6:56 PM
That's just it, I wasn't BUSY over the holidays! Not as busy as I usually am anyways. A lot of distractions combined with spending a bit too much time on my writing, which currently earns me no money, explains the drop in bookings. Therefore...more MARKETING!
I just have to keep on top of it during the year as well.
Hoope your Christmas and Boxing Day, whatever the hell that is, was fun and happy!
7:11 PM
It's a paid legal holiday (the day after Christmas) where we can go and fight our way through the crowds looking for that one of a kind bargain! LOL
10:03 PM
So it has nothing to do with punching a Canadian as I suggested in an ealier post this week? Hmmm...my mistake!
Seems like yet another holiday we should have stolen and adapted into our culture. A paid legal holiday after Christmas? I'm so there. Or I would be if I had a job.
11:10 PM
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