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Copyright Andy Martello, All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Well I found a "solution".

It seems as though there's some sort of glitch with Blogger because any other artwork or link I post works just fine. So I found a spot at the top of the blog to put a nice banner for, a t-shirt company cool enough to post links to this site & my main website. As a THANK YOU, I've even added a little montage of some shirt designs for your amusement. I sincerely hope none of this crap happens again as I've wasted a lot of time on this nonsense.

Sure, it is my fault for allowing myself to waste so much time. But the internet does have its irresistible charm!

Anyway, check out their site. They've got some cool stuff that will surely get you in trouble.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Checked out this site and I love their creative ideas and witty come backs. This is what mommy tells you not to wear! Check it out I bought a shirt and wear it proudly.

10:09 AM

Blogger Andy Land said...

They are a very cool company. I hope they do very well down the road. If you folks find them via my links, be sure to let them know who sent ya! They might send me a cookie or something. ;)

What shirt did you buy, Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous?

3:23 PM


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