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Copyright Andy Martello, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

This is not My Beautiful House.

Today I mourn.

I mourn for the happy bygone days I once knew.

I mourn for tomorrow.

I mourn for those blind to injustice.

I mourn for those living comfortably with prejudice and bigotry.

I mourn for lives needlessly sacrificed.

I mourn for lives we will lose in the coming days.

I mourn for the loss of friends.

I mourn for the enemies we have made.

I mourn for a people divided.

I mourn for my country.

I mourn for America.


Blogger Andy Land said...

Yeah, I know. It is just that I hate having to humor the smug political types when they feel that a few percentage points makes them gods. I vote for the right person for the job, not the party. If everyone thought like I do with regard to politics we'd never have these problems.

9:24 PM


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