"Editor's Choice" at The Cheers
Howdy all!
Well they seem to have ironed out some of the bugs with the server at The Cheers. Instead of running the articles that were meant for this week and having to take them down on Monday, they've decided to fill the remainder of THIS week with an "Editor's Choice" issue. So everything in the magazine this week has been in the magazine before. I have SIX pieces being rerun!
Three of the articles, "My Dinner with Gacy", "September Writing Prompts", and "Hair of the Dog" are currently in the Top Ten most read articles. Surely you're familiar with those old nuggets by now. Ok, Only two of those are in the Top Ten, but you're well aware of the Gacy thing already.
The other three are ones I wouldn't have expected Siim (Editor in Chief) to have picked. I certainly liked them so I'm glad they're enjoying a new life. With a little luck you'll check them out and recommend them to your friends and leave comments or ratings.
"I've Got Your Controversy RIGHT HERE!"
I wrote this piece as a knee-jerk reaction to another article being rerun this week about shopping for a bride in India. That particular article sparked the most comments and controversy from the readers due to its subject matter. So naturally, the asshole in me decided to write a hair-raising article myself where I invoke wrath and anger about all sorts of taboo subjects, just for the hell of it all. Naturally I didn't offer any sort of clinical research or level-headed thought behind the positions. I merely played up to the people that like to get mad about SOMETHING and rarely read the meaning or intent of certain articles. My personal favorite parts about this piece: randomly stating "Hitler was RIGHT" and then not saying what he could have been right about. And Proclaiming that anyone who was truly angry about Janet Jackson's bare breast at the Super Bowl were folks like me who'd wanted to see her breasts for years and got angry because when it finally happened, there was a damned hubcap on it!
"My Own Little Opus"
This was the first of a few articles where I stalk cartoonist Berkeley Breathed for personal gain and acceptance as a writer. Really all I want is some free swag, but I'd settle for a restraining order. I've written three or four of these types of articles and I'm probably due for another one. Fans of his work will enjoy the humor in this piece.
"My Name is Andy, and I'm...SOBER!"
I have ALWAYS liked this piece. This is about a guy (ME) and the social problems associated with being a man who has never tried any illegal substances. It spoofs 12 Step programs and describes the time I bought some marijuana in Jamaica, only to avoid smoking a single puff of the stuff! A very funny piece if I can say that without too much arrogance.
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