Come out to Durty Nellies this Sunday for Comedy Night!
You KNOW you're not doing anything this Sunday night, November 21, 2004 at 8:00 PM. So why not head on out to Durty Nellies in Palatine and see some kick-ass comedy & juggling? If you come on out and pay a measly $5.00 to get in, I promise that I'll be there and I'll even be funny.
You should go. There's beer. Did you hear that? B E E R!
So get off your asses, try not to be a pain in the ass loser that pretends that work the following day is so freakin' important and come on out to Palatine!
Wish I could join ya but a little bit of a drive
8:33 PM
Oh come on! You've got airports in Texas. You could just fly out, pay your five bucks, see the show, and fly back. Simple. ;)
Of course, you're just about the only one who ever comments here so maybe you should just stay where you are and keep on commenting. LOL!
10:18 PM
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